Saturday 14 July 2007

Reality shifts

Curated education project

Reality Shifts was an exciting photography project based around the exhibition by Anneè Olofsson at Site Gallery. In her work at Site, Anneè Olofsson presented images from a zone between sleeping and waking where reality is somehow twisted to reveal its darker under side. In this world the boundaries between fact and fiction are blurred and nothing is what it at first seems. Strange characters play out odd stories, familiar objects trans form into absurd shapes and mysterious situations unfold.

Over 3 days a group of young people worked with photographer, Imogen Powell to explore the exhibition and create their own responses to it using the gallery’s high quality studio and camera equipment. Drawing on the work’s reference to film and cinema, as well as its connections to other contemporary art; they worked together to create a series of images which were shown on the projection window at the gallery.

Exploring themes such as dreams, disguise, concealment, portraiture, and performance; the group learnt how to use different lighting techniques, studio approaches; and cameras; as well as a range of printing processes. The resulting images transformed Sheffield’s streets into the locations for bizarre cat-and-mouse chases; Film Noir antics and mysterious rendezvous.